Beard Style Fashion 2019
Top 10 Attractive Beards Styles for Men's 2018
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74. Long Curls


It can be unpredictable to have long curls but this is what makes the hairstyle much fun. There are infinite ways of styling your spirals whether you choose to blow dry it or air dry it.

69. Dreadlocks x Half Up Man Bun


A versatile hairstyle for black men that never age in design. Long dreads can be eccentric when styled up with half-up man bun.

Growing A Beard: How To Grow A Beard And Maintain It

By []C Mueller

The question of how to start growing a beard is fairly easy to answer. Stop shaving. It's the issue of beard shaping, beard trimming and beard maintenance that is generally of concern moving forward. Once you stop shaving for a few days, the first thing you'll find out is whether or not you can actually grow a beard. What I mean is do you actually have the ability to cover your face with uniformly-grown hair or do you simply grow hair in tufts which ends up making you look like someone who just hasn't shaved in a few days? The second question is whether or not growing a beard actually suits you or not. Some guys can pull it off, some can't. Once you've stopped shaving, I've found that it's best to let it grow out for several weeks before you start trying to shape it. Once you've figured out how much facial hair you're actually going to have, then you can start shaping, etc and can figure out what beard style suits you. If you start shaving it too soon, you might end up taking too much off and end up shaving it all off once you realize you shaved didn't get it right. When it comes to growing a beard, perhaps the best way to maintain it is to get a beard trimmer. I use a beard trimmer for my goatee and its was a great purchase. A beard trimmer can make beard shaping, beard trimming and beard maintenance pretty simple. A good beard trimmer costs perhaps $20 and will have several length settings which enable you to grow it as long or as short as you like and still keep it symmetrical and neat. When growing a beard, you can decide how long you want to grow it and a beard trimmer will help you. With a decent trimmer with several length settings, you could grow it longer or you might select the shortest setting and go for the stubble look which suits some guys well. One of the things you'll have to get used to is the feeling of having a beard. You might experience a scratchy, itchy feeling once the hair gets longer or you might notice that your face feels warmer during hot weather given the insulating feeling hair can give you. Or you may not notice any difference at all. If you find that your beard is getting itchy, use the shampoo you wash your hair with to wash it to ensure it's being kept clean. You might also look at using a conditioner, too. You might also find that the shorter you keep your beard, the less irritating it is. The best part of course is that if after a few days/weeks/months of growing a beard you realize that it isn't something you want to continue with, you can simply shave it off with no harm done. If you get to this point, before you shave it off you might try to shave all the hair off except the hair around your lip and mouth, leaving a goatee, to see if this suits you instead of a full beard. Temporary and permanent hair removal [] technology is evolving constantly and is relevant to both men and women who want to remove unwanted hair.

For more information on hair removal options, visit [] Article Source: [] Growing A Beard: How To Grow A Beard And Maintain It

The Designer stubble Beard and How to achieve as well as Maintain The Look!

91. Curved Flat Top + Hard Part


A black men’s haircut that wins the prize for creativity. You might say crazy but this style is incredibly amazing for those who want a different statement for their hairstyles.

92. FroHawk + Disconnected Beard


Here is another classic black haircut that breams with creativity. The FroHawk looks great whether you have wider ringlets or tight curls. It is highly emphasized with the disconnected beard.

93. Twists + Hi-lo Fade


The twists and Hi-lo fade gives life and moment to the hair left on the top and delivers a noticeable contrast on the sides.

94. Afro + Color + Fade


A variety of colors come handy for those who prefer the Afro. However, the purple color on top seems to blend well with your natural black hair. A well-trimmed beard determines your final look.

95. Buzz cut + High fade + Line up


This is the best buzz cut you can get for those who prefer a high fade. The primary secret is contrast and the lineup plays a major role in highlighting the haircut.

96. Natural curls + Mid skin fade


Although curly hairs can be a challenge, it offers cool and original looks. The mid skin fade attempts to distinguish the top hair from the lower beard.

97. Braids + Reverse Fade


One of the unique and crazy hairstyles for black men. The reverse fade with braids on top gives a modern look and can give you the desired effect when done right.

41. Buzz Cut + High Skin Fade + Line up


A classic men’s haircut featuring short hair all around. Generally, buzz cuts are given with electric clippers. Subtle sideburns lines blend with high skin fade on the sides.

43. Sponge Curls + Taper Fade


One of the best tapers fades haircuts for black men is the sponge curls. The short side often fades with a beard blackout.

44. Buzz cut + Skin Fade


A buzz cut hair is stylish but can also blend well with a high bold fade. It is cool because of the difference in hair lengths.

46. Braids + Skin Fade + Disconnected Beard


The fade is a versatile hairstyle that compliments something interesting like the braids. Classy guys always combine the braids and skin fade with a disconnected beard.

47. Buzz Cut + Hard Part + Taper fade


Men who have relatively short hair will find the buzz cut an ideal hairstyle for men. Taper fade seems to work well for all hair and provides the freshest looks this year.

61. Waves + Low Fade + Line up


A hairstyle that blends well with a relatively short hair styled by waves on top. The low fade gives a contrasting look when combined with the lineup.

62. Curls + Taper fade


Get a little crazy by allowing your hair to grow out nice and slightly longer. This hairstyle features natural curls with a slight taper fade on the sides to highlight the thick hair.

63. Waves + Hook parts + Fade


An easy to manage hairstyle featuring waves at the top with a lower fade on the sides. The hook parts complement the hairstyle with a clean line up.

68. High Top x Curls + Skin Fade


One of the trendy hairstyles for black men is the high top fade, mostly preferred because of its versatility. A skin fade makes the high top curls stand out. It looks good with a neatly shaved beard and mustache.

2. Twists + High Fade + Carved Beard


A high skin fade on the sides with twists on top creates a stylish profile. The neatly carved beard blends well with the look.

3. Waves + Skin Fade + Full beard


Waves have always been cool especially when combined with skin fades. The full beard provides another trendy dimension and a very classy look.

4. Burst Fade Mohawk + Disconnected beard


The burst fade Mohawk offers a clean fade showcasing a naturally curly hair texture. The disconnected beard creates a clear distinction between your beard and mustache.

5. Curls x Low Fade Haircut


It is the most popular way guys cut the hair on the sides. Low fades with top curls have always been versatile as it creates a high-contrast look with the hair at the top.

7. Skin Fade + Disconnected Beard


Skin fades are trendy for most men haircuts and are classy for those who blend with a disconnected beard. It gives a clear distinction between your beard and mustache.

8. Taper Fade + Full Beard


Taper fade can also work best for you even if your hair is naturally curly. Lots of guys go with the full beard since the trend is still going strong.

10. Twists + Line Up + Design


One of the most favorite black men hairstyles. Twists with a lineup help maintain a fresh and clean look while the design makes the style unique.

23. Burst Fade Fauxhawk + Carved beard


Also known as South of France Fade, the burst fade Fauxhawk features short hair on the sides and long on the top. It gives a classy look for a man with dark beard and mustache.

83. Buzz Cut + Hook Part


One of the low-maintenance haircuts for black men featuring a hook part from the front lineup cut. It looks great with simple beard and mustache.

84. Buzz Cut + Line up + Full Beard


The buzz cut has been a classic hairstyle for men who love keeping short hair. Growing a full beard creates a divergence look as it stands out from your hair.

85. High Top + Color + Line up


Perhaps the most notable types of black men hairstyles this year. It features some color on the high top with a clean undercut. The lineup creates a cool final look.

86. Buzz Cut + Hook Part + Skin fade


The hook part makes short hairs more charming and buzz cut can be your favorite hairstyle when combined with a high skin fade.

87. Braids + Hi-lo Fade


Such a cool haircut for black men. The braids are divided into two, each piece braided skillfully at the top but left hanging at the back. The Hi-lo fade gives a more stunning appearance on the sides.

89. Waves + Skin fade + Disconnected beard

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A hairstyle with waves at the top is always unique. The lower skin fade uses the disconnected beard technique to add emphasis.

90. Curl Sponge + Taper fade


A haircut that makes a statement featuring a curl sponge with a taper fade on the sides. It works well for those with thick hair at the top.

22. Short Afro + Temple fade


Temple fades work great with a short afro. It is a hairstyle that highlights your chiseled face and masculine cheeks.

24. Blow Out Haircut


A hairstyle that has had a long history since the 90’s. It is still wearable in the modern century with shorter sides, styled back and any length on top.

27. Waves + Taper Fade + Disconnected Beard


The shadow fade with waves is one of the popular hairstyles for black people. The primary feature of the taper fade is to blend the hair at the top with the hair on the sides.

30. Crew cut + Drop Fade + Hard part


An innovative variation of the classic taper fade haircut. The drop fade is very popular as it can be applied to almost any hairstyle like the crew cut.

21. Buzz cut + Line up + Taper fade


This is one of the most conventional buzz cut hairstyles featuring a taper fade and a razor line. The mustache and beard are distinguished neatly.

70. Dreadlocks + Color + Disconnected Beard


Although most dreadlocks go well with a long beard, you can still look at your best with a clean disconnected beard. Adding some color on the ends gives a contrasting appearance.

Home Top 100 Black Men Haircuts

Top 100 Black Men Haircuts

There are many hairstyle options for black men to choose, ranging from traditional to more creative ideas. Here is a list of Top 100 Black Men Haircuts you can try.