Social Media in Society...
Leahy, Matthew Michael & Schultze, Ulrike. "The Avatar-Self Relationship: Enacting Presence in Second Life". Association for Information Systems. 2009. 2 - 15.
Leahy, Matthew Michael & Schultze, Ulrike. "The Avatar-Self Relationship: Enacting Presence in Second Life". Association for Information Systems. 2009. 2 - 15.
"Second Life Avatars and their Real Life". Web Urbanist. Retrieved June 18, 2007.
Boon, Stuart & Sinclair, Christine. (2009). "A World I Don't Inhabit: Disquiet and Identity in Second Life and Facebook". Education Media International. 46:2
Boon, Stuart & Sinclair, Christine. (2009). "A World I Don't Inhabit: Disquiet and Identity in Second Life and Facebook". Education Media International. 46:2
Shaowen & Odom, William. (2008). "The Experience of Embodied Space
in Virtual Worlds: An Ethnography of a Second Life Community". SAGE Journals. 11:3.